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Is Fat Transfer Safe?

Posted May 04, 2021 in Fat Transfer Surgery

3 Minute Read: 

Fat transfer has gained a lot of attention recently for its versatile application and natural-looking results. It has become a popular procedure among many individuals seeking to improve contour irregularities or volume loss in various parts of the body, such as the face, hands, breasts, or buttocks.

While the procedure is touted as a convenient two-for-one procedure—the perfect way to kill two birds with one stone by removing unwanted fat from your body to enhance your body contour, recent reports have raised a concern about the safety of the technique.

Pondering young woman wearing a white one-piece bathing suit against a pink backdrop.

How Is Fat Transfer Safe?

Fat transfer is generally safe when performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, especially a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Mark Chin.

Training and experience are critical when handling and performing such a procedure. A good surgeon understands the importance of choosing, handling, processing, and transferring the right fat, and they will use proper surgical techniques to provide the best (and safest) results.

What Are the Risks of Fat Transfer?

Having the procedure performed improperly carries an elevated risk of fat embolization (a piece of fat may find its way into the bloodstream), infection, clotting, bleeding, fat necrosis, and other serious complications that can be fatal. 

It is important to note that these complications are extremely rare and occur only when improper surgical techniques are used. This is another reason to ensure you select a skilled and trusted plastic surgeon.

How Can Fat Transfer Also Be One of the Safest?

The procedure uses your own body fat, making the likelihood of rejection very slim. 

There are no risks of allergic reactions, as you are using your own tissue. This will also help the results be more natural-looking.

The fat transfer process is performed in three steps, namely harvesting, purification, and placement. 

1. Harvesting: The first step removes the excess fat from the body using gentle liposuction. This can be targeted towards the abdomen, thighs, jowls, etc.

2. Purification: Once the fat is removed, it’s cycled through a purification process to eliminate blood and oils, prepping the tissue for transfer. 

3. Placement: The fat cells are then carefully injected into the target areas with skill, allowing the injected fat to have a continuous blood supply. Your surgeon will avoid injecting fat into the deep muscle to avoid the risk of fat embolism and other complications.

Preventing the Dangers of Fat Transfer

All of these concerns are significantly reduced (or even negated) when you choose to work with a skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon. 

Do your research when selecting your surgeon and learn more about the fat transfer procedure to prepare yourself. Even with a highly experienced team, it’s crucial to follow all postoperative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Interested in Learning More?

Our experience and training in performing intricate procedures like fat transfer have enabled us to guide our patients through the whole process in a safe and effective manner. 

Contact us today at 559-435-9646 or fill our online form to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chin and learn more.
