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What Steps Can Prepare You for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Posted August 15, 2022 in Tummy Tuck Surgery

4 Minute Read: 

So, you’ve decided that you want to tighten and sculpt your midsection with tummy tuck surgery. That’s a huge first step that you should be proud to have made! 

However, your journey to that contoured belly is just beginning. 

A beautiful woman looking in the mirror and measuring the size of her waist with a measuring tape

In addition to choosing the right plastic surgeon to help you achieve your goal, you also need to ensure that you are ready for the surgery, both physically and mentally. But knowing exactly what to do and how to prepare can be a daunting task. 

That’s why we’ve compiled some information here to help you get ready for your tummy tuck surgery so that you can limit the recovery time and improve your overall results.

What Do I Need to Know About My Tummy Tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery (also known as abdominoplasty) is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures available, with nearly 100,000 procedures performed in 2020

For this procedure, Dr. Chin will make an incision just above your pubic area. The length of this incision is dependent on the type of tummy tuck you are undergoing (mini tummy tuck, modified tummy tuck, or traditional tummy tuck). Liposuction surgery may be used to help remove any subcutaneous fat in the area. Once the fat is removed, Dr. Chin will tighten loose abdominal muscles with internal sutures and surgically remove any excess and sagging skin. 

Once your incisions are closed, you will begin your recovery process. 

Tummy tuck recovery times vary with each patient and procedure; however, most patients are recovered after three months. During this time, patients can expect to have some swelling, bruising, and discomfort. These side effects will dissipate over time, but they are something to be aware of as you plan your procedure. 

After you are recovered from your tummy tuck, you can look forward to a more trimmed and toned aesthetic with less fat, tighter-looking muscles, and less sagging skin in your midsection.

What Steps Can I Take to Get Ready for My Procedure?

Despite what many patients think and want, preparing for a major cosmetic surgery like a tummy tuck is not something that can happen in a week’s time. You need to make sure that your body is prepared for the invasive procedure, which happens over several months. 

Here is some information about the various stages of tummy tuck preparation to help you get an idea of what you can do to get yourself ready.

Four to Six Months Before Surgery

During the early stages of your tummy tuck preparation, you will want to make sure that you are getting your body in as healthy a physical state as possible. 

If you smoke (including vaping), you will want to quit. 

Additionally, it is important that you get yourself to a stable and ideal weight. Many people have the misconception that tummy tuck surgery is a weight loss procedure, but that is incorrect. Fluctuations in your weight during the months leading up to your procedure can be problematic and lead to less than optimal results. 

If you find your weight fluctuating, then you may want to delay your tummy tuck. 

Three Months Before Surgery

As you get closer to your surgery date, it is important that you are maintaining that healthy physical state. This means making sure that you have established a healthy diet with regular exercise habits. By making sure that you are healthy, you can find yourself recovering from your tummy tuck quicker and better than without any preparation. 

During this time, you should also make sure that you schedule time off from work and set up any child and pet care for your recovery time. 

One Month Before Surgery

During the month before your tummy tuck, it is important that you get your recovery plan in order. 

This plan consists of various aspects, including making sure that you have someone available (family member or friend) to help assist you during your recovery (going to the grocery store, filling prescriptions, doing laundry, etc.). 

During the weeks before your procedure, you should also start shopping and preparing some easy to make meals so that you do not need to exert much energy with making food. You also want to make sure that you have comfortable, loose fitting clothing that can be removed easily. 

Additionally, make sure that you have any over-the-counter medications that you might need along with your compression garment.

Lastly, it is important that you recover in a place that is comfortable and convenient for you, which means that you will want to have entertainment options (whether it be a book, tablet, or TV remote) in an easy to reach place next to the couch or bed with plenty of pillows and blankets for you.

Before and after image showing the results of a tummy tuck performed in Fresno, CA.

You can see more transformations by visiting our tummy tuck before and after photo gallery.

In the End…

It is so important that you allow your body and mind to be in the right place when you undergo your tummy tuck surgery. 

By following these simple steps and any pre and postoperative instructions from Dr. Chin, you can look forward to a smooth and healthy recovery and results that you can be proud of.

Interested in Learning More?

If you are interested in learning more about tummy tuck surgery in Fresno, California, schedule a consultation with Dr. Chin by calling 559-435-9654 or filling out our online contact form.  
