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Men Care About Their Bodies Too!

Posted January 21, 2019 in Male Plastic Surgery

Although it may seem like women pay more attention to the way their bodies look, men are just as concerned about their physical appearance and can feel equally insecure about their perceived flaws. In recent decades, more men have started to show interest in plastic surgery to improve their overall appearance. While some patients wish to get rid of stubborn fat deposits in certain areas of their body, others desire a more rejuvenated facial appearance. Male plastic surgery is designed to complement the overall appearance of a man’s body through a combination of surgical procedures to help achieve a younger and more masculine physique.

young man fit torso with surgical lines on his body before beauty operation-img-blog

Why Choose Male Plastic Surgery?

Dr. Chin knows there are significant structural differences between male and female bodies. To provide the best results, he performs plastic surgery that is designed to complement the entire male body. Men interested in undergoing plastic surgery can improve the following areas:

  • Chest
  • Abdomen
  • Face
  • Nose
  • Waistline

Your Procedure Options

When undergoing plastic surgery, each procedure will be specifically chosen to help you meet your aesthetic and personal needs. Whether it is altering the appearance of your nose or contouring the midsection, Dr. Chin will be sure to address all your concerns and determine the best plan for your male plastic surgery experience.

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Gynecomastia Surgery

Aging, hormones, and weight loss can leave a man with excess breast tissue, also known as gynecomastia, making them feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, and less masculine. Gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction, is designed to remove excess glandular tissue to reduce the size of male breasts and enhance the chest for a firmer and more masculine appearance. This procedure can be performed using liposuction or excision of the glandular tissue to improve chest contours and definition.


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that can target stubborn fat deposits that resist diet and exercise. Fat is suctioned out using a thin, hollow tube (cannula) attached to a surgical vacuum that removes excess fat to achieve a more toned and aesthetically pleasing physique. This procedure can be performed on the following areas of the male body:

  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Waist

Tummy Tuck Surgery

Losing weight can be a huge accomplishment for many men. However, massive weight loss can lead to excess fat and loose, hanging skin along the abdomen. Men can also develop weak abdominal muscles after losing weight. Tummy tuck surgery can be performed to address these issues and help men achieve a flatter, more toned abdomen. This procedure can be combined with liposuction and patients have the option of choosing a mini, modified, or traditional tummy tuck surgery depending on their surgical needs.

Male Facelift

Wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin can cause the face to look droopy and displaced. Facelift surgery can be performed to remove excess fat and skin while tightening the underlying facial muscles. Male patients will notice a tighter, more lifted facial appearance and the elimination of wrinkles beneath the eyes, around the mouth, along the jawline, and on the neck resulting in a more rested and youthful appearance.


When a man is dissatisfied with the appearance of his nose, he can opt for rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty, also referred to as nose surgery, can be performed to alter the nasal structures and address the following aesthetic concerns:

  • A nose that is too large
  • A narrow or wide bridge
  • A crooked or structurally damaged nose
  • Humps on the bridge of the nose
  • Breathing issues related to a deviated septum

To learn more about male plastic surgery, you can contact our office at (559) 435-9646 or schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Chin online.
