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Those Last Few Pounds: Get Rid of Them With Liposuction!

Posted November 10, 2016 in Uncategorized

When someone is not happy with how their body looks, they may decide to make a change by incorporating a nutritious diet and regular exercise in their lifestyle. Some people are successful in their weight-loss journey and can lose the weight they need to meet their body goals. However, others hit a plateau in their weight loss and are not able to completely make it across the finish line. If you just have those last few pounds to target, you may be able to get rid of them with liposuction!

Is liposuction right for me?

before-and-after-liposuctionIdeal liposuction candidates are those who want to get rid of fat and sculpt the body on one or multiple areas. Many people who have curves or bulges in unflattering places can take advantage of liposuction to remove fat to create a slimmer, more defined silhouette. It is important that patients do not consider liposuction as a weight-loss solution but rather as a procedure that can help them remove unwanted pockets of fat. Typically, these resistant areas of fat do not respond to conventional ways of weight loss.

Good Candidates for Liposuction:

  • Are physically healthy
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Want to undergo the procedure for themselves
  • Have been unable to achieve their goals with diet and exercise
  • Are non-smokers (or willing to quit prior to surgery and for the duration of recovery)

What can I achieve with liposuction?

There are many benefits to undergoing liposuction. Those who undergo liposuction notice the significant improvement in the contours of their body and less fat in the most common trouble zones. Many patients feel better in their skin and feel confident wearing clothing styles they steered away from before.

How long will my results last?

Dr. Chin will perform liposuction by using Smartlipo™ (laser-assisted lipolysis) to help melt the fat before removal or power-assisted liposuction (PAL) that uses a reciprocating device to break up the fat as it separates. The separated or melted fat will be removed using a small hollow tube (cannula) that is hooked up to a vacuum device and suctions the fat. Once the fat is removed, it does not come back; however, the remaining fat cells can still swell with weight gain. In addition, patients can accumulate fat in other areas of the body, which makes it important for them to maintain their new look. Patients should follow a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen to preserve their smoother, better-contoured body.

If you are interested in learning more about liposuction, schedule your consultation with Dr. Mark Chin today! Contact us by calling (559) 435-9646 or by filling out our online contact form.
